Planets of the Month: OCTOBER 2019

by Erich Karkoschka

Planets for October 2019

planet-of-the-month-mercury Mercury is 7 degrees left and slightly above Venus for most of the month. During the last week of October, it moves below Venus. MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the transit of Mercury on November 11th.
planet-of-the-month-venus Venus is back in the evening sky visible before 6:30 pm.
planet-of-the-month-moon Shortly after New Moon, the Moon is near Venus on the 29th and near Jupiter on the 31st.
planet-of-the-month-mars Mars becomes visible again around the 19th during dawn. On the 26th it is 5 degrees below the thin lunar crescent.
planet-of-the-month-jupiter Jupiter shines above Antares in the southwest during the early evening. Its distance from Venus shrinks from 50 to 25 degrees
 planet-of-the-month-saturn  Saturn is 25 degrees to the east of Jupiter. By the end of the month only 20 degrees.
 planet-of-the-month-uranus  Uranus is in opposition on the 267th in Aries, visible with very good eyes.
 planet-of-the-month-neptune Neptune can be found with binoculars in Aquarius, 45 degrees west of Uranus.
 planet-of-the-month-meteor  The Orionids meteors are best visible during the morning of the 22nd.