Join TAAA – via Online

(Note: These instructions are for people joining TAAA for the first time. If you are already a member registering to access Member Only content through  MemberPlanet, please see this page instead.)

Our “Members Only” content is hosted in a site called MemberPlanet. When you join the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, you will be registering as a TAAA member through our MemberPlanet site. This gives you access to events and information available only to members.

Membership Level Dues – Individual $30 – Senior  $25 – Teacher (K-12) or College Student $18 – Family $35 – Family/Senior $30 – Family/Teacher (K-12) or College Student $23 – Youth $18

For complete instructions about joining click here, otherwise click the button below and follow the screens to join.

If you are having technical issues joining online email the MemberPlanet Manager, David Rossetter at drossetter[at]

If unable to join online, you can join by mail. Click here to download the form.