Category Archives: You’re Invited!

Classes and Workshops

TAAA hosts numerous classes and workshops for Members Only throughout the year.

Practical Astronomy – Workshop 1 – Star Hopping

Open for Enrollment

Place: TIMPA Date/Time: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 5:45 PM until completed

Synopsis: This is the first workshop in the practical astronomy workshop series. It will teach Star Hopping. The students will be taught the proper star hopping technique and equipment usage. Each student will use the supplied equipment to locate at least 2 targets (maybe more if time permits). By the end of the workshop the student will know what equipment to use and how to use it in order to locate targets using star hopping.

Practical Astronomy Workshop 2 – Constellation Locating and Identification – open for enrollment

Place: TIMPA Date: Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 Time: 6:30 PM until completed

Synopsis: This is the second workshop in the practical astronomy workshop series. It will teach how to locate and identify constellations. The students will be taught how to locate and identify the constellations without having to memorize the night sky. Each student will use the supplied equipment to locate several constellations. Students will learn how to use a planisphere and star atlas to locate constellations without memorizing the sky. This program provides the methodology for the observing requirements of the Astronomical League Northern Constellation Observing Award.

If interested you can register Below or contact the instructor Douglas Smith at:

PLEASE NOTE: due to equipment limitations there is a strict limit of 20 students for this workshop.

TAAA hosts numerous classes and workshops for Members Only throughout the year.

Upcoming Workshops Open for Pre-enrollment

Several workshops are being planned for the fall 2023/winter 2024 time frame.

• A Sketching/Logging workshop will be offered.

• A Constellation identification/locating workshop will be offered. Dates/Times are still TBD. They will be announced in the bulletin as soon as they are set.

If you are interested in enrolling in any of these workshops or would like additional information contact the TAAA Astronomical League Correspondent (ALCOR) at the information listed below.

TAAA ALCOR – Douglas Smith; Phone: 520-396-3233; E-mail: alcor@emergency

Experience the Sky


Classes and Workshops
Course or Workshop *


Saturday April 13, 2019 at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park, 3480 E River Road (River & Alvernon), Ramada A from 3 PM to 9 PM.  Come join Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and other astronomy related industries celebrating Tucson Astronomy.  In addition to interactive exhibits and door prizes, we will have Solar Telescopes for safe viewing of the Sun plus lots of telescopes in the evening to observe star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, planets, and much more.  Bring your personal telescope if you want some help learning to operate it.  For real-time updates, follow the event on our Facebook Events page at: or click on the Media link above.  By following TAAA on Facebook, you can get updates on all our public stargazing and other astronomy events.

Mercury Transit Across the Sun

A rather rare event will be happening on Monday May 9 — Mercury will appear to move across the face of the Sun.  For us in Tucson, the transit will already be underway when the Sun rises at 5:32 am.  The Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (TAAA) will have several Solar Telescopes set up at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park starting about 7:30 am.  We’ll be there until at least 10 am, but will hang around as long as there are people interested in viewing the Transit.  The Mercury Transit will end at 11:39 am Tucson time.

Mercury Transits are fairly rare, with only 13 or 14 per Century.  The last Mercury Transit was November 8, 2006 and the next one will be November 11, 2019.  After that, we’ll have to wait until 2032 for the next one.  Mercury Transits only happen within a few days of May 8 or November 10 of any given year.  The reason they don’t happen every year is because Mercury’s orbit is inclined 7 degrees to Earth’s Orbit, so most of the time, Mercury transits just above or below the Sun from our perspective.

Join TAAA at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park on Monday May 9th to view this rare event.

Jim Knoll


Astronomy Festival for National Astronomy Day

Join the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (TAAA) on May 14th, from Noon to 9 pm at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park to celebrate National Astronomy Day.  This will be a fun-filled day and evening for the entire family.  We will have solar telescopes for safe viewing of the Sun and interactive exhibits for everyone during the afternoon.  There will be telescopes for viewing deep sky objects in the evening such as Jupiter, star clusters, galaxies, nebulae, and Mars (late evening).  We will have a door prize drawing at 7 pm for a 50mm telescope (must be present to win) and a Walk Around the Night Sky presentation around 7:30 pm.  The complete schedule is below.


Safe Solar Viewing of the Sun                                            Noon – 6:30 pm
Interactive Astronomy Exhibits                                       Noon – 6 pm
Make Pocket Solar Systems & Sun Dials
Make an impact crater
Door Prize Drawing (must be present to win)              7 pm
50 mm Refractor Telescope
Night Sky Viewing                                                                     7:30 – 9 pm
Walk Around the Night Sky Presentation                  7:30 pm
Help with personal Telescope                                           All Day/Evening
Bring your personal telescope to receive
assistance in setup & operation

Jim Knoll

General Meeting

Next TAAA Monthly Meeting: Friday, March 7, 2025

TAAA’s next general member meeting will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025. The Main Presentation will start at 7:30 P.M. (rather than our usual 6:30 PM). This will be a hybrid meeting for TAAA members. The ZOOM LINK for TAAA Members and the Public to watch the presentation is: This presentation will NOT be streamed live.

Following the lecture, the 21” Raymond E White, Jr Telescope will be open, weather permitting.

Main Presentation at 7:30 PM

Continue reading General Meeting

Astronomy Fundamentals Meeting

Next (ONLINE):  Thursday, March 13, 2025

6:30 – 8:00 PM


Come join us for a presentation from the fundamentals of amateur astronomy. Learn your way around the night sky to add to your observing enjoyment. Meetings are on the second Thursday of each month. You can find our past recordings on the Club’s YouTube channel

Contact:  Connor Justice

Email:   fundamentals[at]

Previous:  Thursday, February 13, 2025

Continue reading Astronomy Fundamentals Meeting