Category Archives: Solar System

Planets of the Month: January 2019

by Erich Karkoschka

TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE January 20:  8:34-11:51 pm, totality 9:41-10:44 pm. High in sky, near Castor and Pollux.  Southern limb of moon gets very close to the center of the umbra at mid eclipse (10:12 pm).
planet-of-the-month-mars Mars at magnitude 1, 60 degegrees high at dusk, sets after 11 pm.
It is moving fast through the faint stars of Pisces.
Uranus and Neptune on both sides of Mars visible in binoculars.
Venus rises 4 am at brillant magnitude -4.5, high during dawn,
naked eye visibility after sunrise.
Jupiter at magnitude -2 rises first at 5 am. Jupiter and Venus approach each other.
Closest on 21st, 2.5 degrees separation, spectacular around 6 am!
Comet Wirtanen, magnitude 5 and dimming, moves fast from Lynx to
Ursa Major, circumpolar.
The moon will be close to Mars on the 12th and close to Venus on
the 31st.
Latest sunrise is January 8.

Planets of the Month: December 2018

by Erich Karkoschka

planet-of-the-month-saturn Saturn is still visible at dusk very low in the southwest until Dec 15.
planet-of-the-month-mars Mars at magnitude 0 transits at 6pm and sets at midnight. It is moving fast through Aquarius.
planet-of-the-month-neptune Neptune is easy to find on Dec 7 when it is only 15 arc-minutes from Mars.
planet-of-the-month-uranus Uranus transits at 9pm 68 degrees high in Pisces.
planet-of-the-month-venus Venus is magnitude -4.9, the brightest possible, high during dawn.
planet-of-the-month-mercury Mercury is visible well below Venus from Dec 4 to Jan 4.
planet-of-the-month-jupiter Jupiter joins Mercury starting Dec 9 first below Mercury. On Dec 21, the pair is only 1 degree apart.  Afterwards, Jupiter will be higher than Mercury by 1 degree per day.
planet-of-the-month-moon The moon will be first visible on Dec 8 as a very thin crescent next to Saturn.  On Dec 14 it shines below Mars.
planet-of-the-month-meteor The Geminids meteors will be very active on Dec 13 an 14.
winter-solstice Winter solstice occurs on Dec 21. The length of the day stays near 10 hours all month, but sunrise and sunset both get delayed by about a quarter of an hour during December.