A Little History

In 1996, TAAA member, John Polacheck, heard about the site and inquired if the TIMPA organization would be interested in acquiring another partner, the TAAA. The TIMPA group was very interested because the relationship would be non-competing. TIMPA and SARA would use the site during the day and the TAAA would utilize the facility at night. The TAAA used the site, by permission of the TIMPA organization, for about a year for scheduled star parties, including beginners star parties. On July 14th, 1999, the TAAA and the TIMPA organization signed a letter of agreement allowing the TAAA unlimited use of the site for scheduled star parties as well as member use at other times. The TAAA pays TIMPA a monthly maintenance fee for the use of the site.

Development at the Site

Below is a chronology of the major TAAA accomplishments at the site.

October 2000
From the TIMPA Barn, electricity and telephone lines were run underground to the observing area and on to TIMPA’s ramada. The costs were shared with the TIMPA organization.

Constructed a secure storage cage in the TIMPA Barn and moved TAAA property from a mini-storage unit to the new security cage.

April 2001
Constructed permanent bathroom facilities in conjunction with the TIMPA organization and shared the costs.

January 2003
Constructed concrete telescope observing pads with electricity.

May 2007
Purchased and installed an 8’x20’ steel storage container.

November 2008
Dedicated the Gila Monster Observatory with  a wedge mounted 14” Meade LX200R Advanced Ritchey-Chretien telescope.

May 2011
Reworked the electrical system servicing the observatory and telescope pads.

The 16 inch Meade LX200 destined for installation at TIMPA.

2023 the TIMPA 16 Project

Currently, TAAA received the donation of a 16 inch Meade LX200 from another astronomy club.  This large telescope will join a smaller sister LX200 at the site and will be installed in a similar configuration to the existing Gila Monster telescope.