Join Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and the National Park Service for the 32nd annual Star Party. The Star Party will be June 18 – 25, 2022. We average 50 telescopes for 8 nights. You will see Solar System planets, Galaxies Far Far Away, Star Clusters — some with several hundred thousand stars, Nebulae, multiple star systems (some with as many as 6 stars), and lots more. The skies are so dark you can clearly see the band of the Milky Way overhead. We start with a talk in the Visitor Center Auditorium about an astronomy topic at 8 pm. Observing at the telescopes goes from sunset (about 8 pm) to 11 pm. This event is free and open to anyone inside the Grand Canyon (park entrance fee required). For additional information, check out our Grand Canyon Star Party Webpage at: or visit the Grand Canyon Star Party webpage at: