Tag Archives: Brandi Fenton Park

Tucson Astronomy Festival

Tucson Astronomy Festival at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park
Telescopes, Exhibits, Fun!

Brandi Fenton Memorial Park (Ramada #1)
3482 E River Rd

Safe Solar viewing of the Sun – 3 PM to 6:30 PM
Hands-On Interactive Exhibits for Kids – 3 PM to 6 PM
Door Prizes will be given away at 6:30 PM– winners must be present to win
——- Grand Prize:  Small Telescope ——–

Night Sky Viewing – 7:30 PM to 9 PM
Kid-Friendly Scope viewing throughout the evening
No charge for any activities, donations will be accepted.
Bring your own telescope for help in setting it up and operating the scope.

Tucson Astronomy Festival

Tucson Astronomy Festival at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park
Telescopes, Exhibits, Fun!

Brandi Fenton Memorial Park Ramada

Hands-On Exhibits for Kids 3 to 6:30 PM
Safe Solar viewing of the Sun 3 to 6:30 PM
Door Prizes will be given away at 7 PM – winners must be present
Youth under 17 Grand Prize: Tabletop Telescope
Other prizes for the entire family
Night Sky Viewing 7:30 PM to 9 PM
Kid-Friendly Scope viewing throughout the evening
No charge for any activities, donations will be accepted.
Bring your own telescope for help setting it up and operating the scope.