Tucson Astronomy Festival at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park
Telescopes, Exhibits, Fun!
Brandi Fenton Memorial Park (Ramada #1)
3482 E River Rd
Safe Solar viewing of the Sun – 3 PM to 6:30 PM
Hands-On Interactive Exhibits for Kids – 3 PM to 6 PM
Door Prizes will be given away at 6:30 PM– winners must be present to win
——- Grand Prize: Small Telescope ——–
Door Prizes will be given away at 6:30 PM– winners must be present to win
——- Grand Prize: Small Telescope ——–
Night Sky Viewing – 7:30 PM to 9 PM
Kid-Friendly Scope viewing throughout the evening
No charge for any activities, donations will be accepted.
Bring your own telescope for help in setting it up and operating the scope.