Astronomical Imaging SIG (AISIG)

Astro Imaging Special Interest Group (AISig) Purpose 

We encourage and support the development of astronomical imaging skills, including how to capture and process images of the deep sky, planets, Sun, Moon and comets.

Members of TAAA’s Astro Imaging Special Interest Group (AISIG) pursue all types of astronomical imaging–deep sky, planetary, lunar, solar, comets and more–at all levels of experience.  We teach each other and learn from each other.  We welcome all imagers, including those who are just thinking about this challenging and rewarding way to explore the night sky.  We meet monthly on Zoom, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 or 8:30, and we post Zoom details and our meeting agendas on the TAAA Forum at  Topics range from elementary to advanced, and every meeting dedicates time to issues facing new and budding astroimagers. We also meet in person a few times a year for special workshops, most recently an all-day program on image processing techniques.  AISig Members actively use the TAAA Forum.  If you are interested in astroimaging we encourage you to join the AISig. Just contact one of the Organizers below, then join our meetings and our imaging discussions on the Forum.

Meeting Dates for the rest of 2024:

June 17

July 15

Aug 19

Sep 16

Oct 21

Nov 18

Dec 16

Contact:  AISig Organizer – Gregg Ruppel ruppel0709[at] or Tom Rolfsmeyer mrolf[at]

Mentoring Program

The wisdom of more experienced AISIG members, informally shared, has helped many beginners avoid mistakes, resolve challenges, and learn new tools. We now offer to help you speed your way up the astrophotography learning curve by working with an AISIG mentor. Your mentor can help you save hours of searching and frustration as you work through your questions about equipment, software and how to use them. 

This program is offered at no charge and is open exclusively to TAAA members.

For more information or to get started, please contact Gregg Ruppel, ruppel0709[at], or Jeff Rothstein, rothstein.j.s[at]

AISIG Activities and Reference Materials 

Missed a meeting? Don’t worry, we record them!  Click for the links

Browse our Members Gallery

Beginner Resources – Astro-Imaging