

TAAA members are welcome to check out any library materials in the TAAA collection. A list of materials available for check out is available at the general meeting and the attached link below. A sample of library materials is brought to the general meeting. Materials can be checked out by filling out the TAAA Library Check Out Form which is available at the library cabinet during the general meetings.

The following rules apply:

  1. Members may only have 5 items checked out at any one time.
  2. Non-reference materials may be checked out for a period of 3 months (with a 3 month extension available with permission  of the librarian).
  3. To check out reference materials, consult the librarian.
  4. Materials should be returned during the general meeting.

DAMAGED OR LOST MATERIALS POLICY – Members are responsible for any materials they check out and are expected to return any checked out materials in the same condition as when they were checked out. If materials are damaged or lost the librarian will instruct the treasurer to generate an invoice for the replacement cost at the current market value for the damaged or lost materials. If the materials can not be replaced then the invoice amount is set as deemed appropriate by the Librarian. The member may also have their library privileges revoked for a period of time determined at the discretion of the Librarian.

The library consists of materials that have been donated to the TAAA. Further donations of books or other appropriate materials are gratefully accepted.

Below is the current list of books in the TAAA library. If you see a title that you’d like to check out, e-mail the title to librarian [at] tucsonastronomy [dot] org and it will be included, if available, in the book sampling at the next membership meeting.

Click for list of Available Texts:

Library Inventory of Books and Periodicals