Star Party Request Form School/Non-Profit Star Party Request Form ( * = Required Field ) Name of School/Nonprofit Organization: * Street Address of Event: * City: * Zip: * Name of Project ASTRO partner (where applicable - if there is one): Note: Star Party duration is routinely about two hours for younger audiences, and can be longer for older people. Star parties begin at about 1/2 hour after sundown, but no earlier than 6:00 PM on weeknights. List other activities that may be taking place at the same time: Night Sky Network (NSN) Toolkit None RequestedSpace RocksPlanet QuestOur Galaxy, Our UniverseBlack Hole Survival KitTelescopes - Eyes on the UniverseShadows and SilhouettesExploring the Solar SystemMirrors and Glass - An inside look at telescopesDark Skies Education KitSupernova!Life in the UniverseSolar Scope (DAYTIME ONLY)Our Magnetic Sun If indoor activities are planned and you would like TAAA to support an NSN Toolkit, please select your preference from the list above. For more information about, see Teacher's Corner. Ability to support the NSN Toolkit is limited, but we will do our best. Location for Toolkit/Hands On Event (usually meant for a lighted area) Requested Date: * Start Time: * Star parties begin at about 1/2 hour after sundown, please check for sundown time on your date requested. End Time: * Closest major traffic intersection: (cross streets): * Directions from that intersection (be specific, include distances as best as possible): * Specific location of Telescope viewing area: * School or Nonprofit website: Grade level and/or age of participants: * Number of people expected (students, parents, adults): * Primary contact person: * Position: Work phone: * Cell Phone: Email: * Backup Contact Person: Backup cell phone: Backup email address: Prove you are human: