By Erich Karkoschka

Venus becomes brilliant at dusk. Venus passes Jupiter at 1/2 degree distance on March 1st. This should be a great sight

Jupiter is getting lower in the western sky and will be visible at dusk until March 29th.

Mars transits 83 degrees high, going from Taurus to Gemini. It still has an 11 arc-second diameter, great for observing its features in a telescope. But, by the end of March, it only will be 6 arc-seconds. Its magnitude decreases from 0 to 1.

Mercury finishes its morning visibility on February 18th and starts its evening visibility on March 26th.

Uranus can still be viewed at more then 70 degrees altitude in Aries, but it sets earlier and earlier as the month progresses.

Ceres has its opposition on March 21st at magnitude 7 in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.
Pallas moves 50 degrees south of the ecliptic in Canis Major at Magnitude 8.