General Meeting – February 2018

6:30 pm – Introductory Presentation

Title:  The Latest On The Astronomical League

Presenter:  Douglas Smith, Observing Program Coordinator for The Astronomical League

Douglas Smith will give a brief history of the Astrological League; one of the largest amateur astronomy organizations in the world. Learn the latest about its benefits, resources, and services, as well as a review of the 50 or so observing programs available at this time.

7:30 pm – Main Presentation

Title:  CCD Photometry from Inside the Light Dome – Leisure Time Activity for a Retired Engineer

Presenter:  Tom Polakis became an amateur astronomer on the night of the 1977 Perseid meteor shower.  He is a Contributing Editor for Astronomy Magazine. His main interests are astronomical travel, visual observing, and all types of photography.

In the past few years, Tom has actively pursued photometry with his CCD imaging equipment in Tempe.  During that time, he has determined rotation periods of asteroids, measured brightness and colors of eclipsing binary and pulsating variable stars, and created light curves of exoplanets and an active quasar along the way.  During the first half of Tom’s presentation, he will describe the fundamentals of photometry, his equipment and acquisition of images, and data reduction.  Then Tom will show examples of  his work to illustrate how measuring something as simple as the variation of light and color teaches us much about stellar and solar system astronomy.


General Meeting – January 2018

6:30 pm – Introductory Presentation

Title:  Objects of the Quarter

Presenter:  Dr. Mary Turner, TAAA’s Chief Observer and Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona

In her latest popular sky talk, Mary Turner takes us on a tour of the winter night sky. With the use of astronomical data, images, and mythology, Mary provides an overview of what to expect in the sky during the coming months.

7:30 pm – Main Presentation

Title:  The Latest News About Water On Mars

Presenter:  Dr. Shane Byrne is an Associate Professor at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at UA. He is a co-Investigator on the HiRISE and CaSSIS cameras at Mars and a Guest Investigator on the Dawn mission at Ceres. Dr. Byrne is also the director of the Space Imagery Center, a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility that archives planetary spacecraft and telescopic data and conducts many outreach events.

Dr. Byrne will talk about the search for water on Mars. It remains a major unifying theme of Mars exploration because water is required for Martian life as well as for future human exploration. Evidence for liquid water has waxed and waned over the years for both modern and ancient Mars.  Dr. Byrne will describe the ups and downs of this quest for Martian water, and how every few years new observations overturn old theories.


Tucson Solar and Evening Star Party

Solar & Evening Observing to view amazing solar system and deep sky objects. You will see planets, nebulae, star clusters, double stars, and lots more. We will have several telescopes for public viewing set up near the Pima Community College East Campus Observatories.

This is an annual event co-hosted between Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and  Astronomy Magazine.  Editor David Eicher will be on-hand to discuss astronomy topics throughout the day and evening.  Solar observing from Noon to about 5:30 PM and Evening observing from 6:30 to about 9 PM.  Come join us for some great dark-sky observing!!

See David Eicher’s Blog at:

Astronomy Festival

Astronomy Festival at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park

Telescopes, Exhibits, Fun!

Sunday, April 22 from 3 to 9 pm
Brandi Fenton Memorial Park Ramada
Hands-On Exhibits for Kids 3 to 6 P.M.
Safe Solar viewing of the Sun 3 to 6:30 P.M.
Night Sky Viewing 7:30 P.M to 9 P.M.

A Walk around the Night Sky Presentation at 8 P.M.
Kid-Friendly Scope viewing throughout the evening
Door Prizes will be given away at 7 P.M. – winners must be present
No charge for any activities, donations will be accepted.

Catalina State Park Star Party

Star Party-Catalina State Park
Tucson, AZ
Viewing Location: Trailhead Picnic area at end of road inside the park.
Information: Great dark skies just north of Tucson at Catalina State Park.  Star Party open to the Public.  Admission cost for entrance into Catalina State Park.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have 10 telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a wide variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (

Oracle State Park Star Party

Star Party-Oracle State Park.
Viewing Location:   Sidewalk along the Kannally Ranch House parking lot and on the Ranch House upper patio.
Information: Great dark skies in Oracle, north of Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Dress for cool nights.  Recommend bringing small RED flashlights (regular flashlights restrict night vision and ability to view dim deep sky objects).  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (
Other events may also be scheduled.  Check Oracle State Park Website for more detail.

Oracle State Park Star Party

Star Party-Oracle State Park.
Viewing Location:   Sidewalk along the Kannally Ranch House parking lot and on the Ranch House upper patio.
Information: Great dark skies in Oracle, north of Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Dress for cool nights.  Recommend bringing small RED flashlights (regular flashlights restrict night vision and ability to view dim deep sky objects).  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (
Other events may also be scheduled.  Check Oracle State Park Website for more detail.

Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area Star Party

Star Party-Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area
Tucson, AZ (West)
Viewing Location:  Second Restroom area  approximately 3/4 of the way in on Hal Gras Road.
Information: Great dark skies in Western Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (