General Meeting – January 2019

6:30 pm – Introductory Presentation

Title:  Seasonal Night Sky Objects

Speaker:  Mary Turner, PhD

Mary Turner, TAAA’s Chief Observer, takes us on a tour of the winter and early spring night sky. Mary’s use of astronomical data, images, and mythology brings the seasonal changes in the sky to life.

7:30 pm – Main Presentation

Title:  Forged in Fire: The Volcanic History of Mars

Speaker:  Dr. David Horvath from UA’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, is a planetary geophysicist investigating the interaction of processes acting on the surface and interior of terrestrial planets. His research focuses include Martian volcanism, the ancient hydrologic cycle of Mars, and the current methane-based hydrologic cycle of Titan. Dr. Horvath holds a PhD in Geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines.

Volcanism is widespread in the Martian geologic record, manifested as large shield volcanoes, extensive plains of flood basalts, and potentially global coverage of explosive volcanic ash. While most Martian volcanic activity occurred between  ~3 and 4 billion years ago and has generally decreased over time, isolated, young (<500 million years old) volcanism is observed. Dr. Horvath will discuss the geologic record of volcanism on Mars, focusing on some of the youngest volcanic surfaces and their implications for observations by the recent InSight Mars lander.


Astronomy Fundamentals Meeting – January 2019

Due to the ongoing government shutdown, the AFSIG meeting for January has moved from the USGS building on campus, to ROOM 110 in the Education North Building at 1501 E Speedway Blvd (Google Maps). Parking in the area is free after 5PM, and parking lots are available to the east and west side of the building. A parking garage is located one block north Vine Ave and Helen Street (garage may have fees). I plan on arriving early to make sure signs are available to mark the room. 

Constellation of the Month:


Presenter:  Gus Gomez

Gus Gomez will start the night with a talk about the constellation Scutum.

Main Presentation:

The Milky Way

Presenter:  Stephen Ferris

For our main topic, Stephen Ferris will be discussing The Milky Way.


Planets of the Month: December 2018

by Erich Karkoschka

planet-of-the-month-saturn Saturn is still visible at dusk very low in the southwest until Dec 15.
planet-of-the-month-mars Mars at magnitude 0 transits at 6pm and sets at midnight. It is moving fast through Aquarius.
planet-of-the-month-neptune Neptune is easy to find on Dec 7 when it is only 15 arc-minutes from Mars.
planet-of-the-month-uranus Uranus transits at 9pm 68 degrees high in Pisces.
planet-of-the-month-venus Venus is magnitude -4.9, the brightest possible, high during dawn.
planet-of-the-month-mercury Mercury is visible well below Venus from Dec 4 to Jan 4.
planet-of-the-month-jupiter Jupiter joins Mercury starting Dec 9 first below Mercury. On Dec 21, the pair is only 1 degree apart.  Afterwards, Jupiter will be higher than Mercury by 1 degree per day.
planet-of-the-month-moon The moon will be first visible on Dec 8 as a very thin crescent next to Saturn.  On Dec 14 it shines below Mars.
planet-of-the-month-meteor The Geminids meteors will be very active on Dec 13 an 14.
winter-solstice Winter solstice occurs on Dec 21. The length of the day stays near 10 hours all month, but sunrise and sunset both get delayed by about a quarter of an hour during December.

Tucson Star Party (with Astronomy Magazine)

Join Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association & Astronomy Magazine for our annual Tucson Star Party @ PCC East Campus. We will be observing from 10 AM – 9 PM. Solar viewing during the day along with other interactive exhibits. During the evening, we will have several telescopes set up to observe solar system & deep-sky wonders such as planets, galaxies, star clusters, nebulae, and lots more. Bring your own telescope if you want and we will have extra volunteers to help you if required.

Astronomy on Tap / Space Drafts

Want to have a fun astronomy night in downtown Tucson? Hear interesting talks focused on Astronomy? Tucson is participating in a national astronomy program called “Astronomy on Tap” or “Space Drafts”.  This program is sponsored by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) and UA Lunar & Planetary Lap (LPL). The Astronomy on Tap Space Drafts website is:

The next Space Drafts will be Wednesday November 14, 2018 at 7 PM with the talks starting at 7:30. The event is held at Borderlands Brewing Company, 119 E Toole Ave, Tucson, AZ. The two scheduled talks are:

Amateur Astronomy in Tucson” by Jim Knoll, Star Party Coordinator for the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association.

biosphere star party 01 (2014-10-25) cropped

The first galaxies: coming soon to a space telescope near you” by postdoc Dr. Christina Williams, Steward Observatory.

Astronomy Fundamentals Meeting – December 2018

Constellation of the Month:


Presenter:  Stephen Ferris

Stephen Ferris will start the night with a talk about the southern constellation Tucana.

Main Presentation:

Star Atlases

Presenter:  Doug Smith

For our main topic, Doug Smith will be discussing Star Atlases.

General Meeting – December 2018


THIS MONTH ONLY we will meet in the Kuiper Building of Lunar and Planetary Sciences, 1629 East University Boulevard on the U of A Campus, just east of Flandreau Science Center. Room 308/Third Floor Auditorium (there is a ramp and elevator).

See Map

ALSO THIS MONTH, no one is signed up to bring refreshments so anyone who has time, PLEASE bring finger foods to share and put them on the table outside the auditorium.

6:30 pm – Introductory Presentation

Title:  Member’s Night

Speaker:  Various TAAA Members

If you would like to give a presentation, contact Mae Smith,

7:30 pm – Main Presentation

Title:  The Parker Solar Probe: NASA’s Mission to Touch the Sun

Speaker:  Dr. Joe Giacalone has been a Professor at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory since 1993. He is Co-Investigator on the ISOIS (Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun) instrument on the Parker Solar Probe. This instrument will measure high-energy charged particles accelerated by magnetic fields near the Sun. Dr. Giacalone holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Kansas.

The Parker Solar Probe is truly a mission of discovery.  Launched in August of 2018, this historic, seven-year mission has already flown by Venus, and made its first close pass of the Sun — closer to the Sun than any man-made object ever.  It will get even closer in the years ahead; as near as 3.8 million miles from the Sun’s surface. Dr. Giacalone will discuss the mission, its goals, and what we expect to discover about the Sun.

International Observe the Moon

A star party supporting International Observe the Moon. TAAA along with other astronomy organizations will be on the University of Arizona Mall near Flandrau Planetarium. Telescopes will be set up from 5 – 10 PM to view the Moon and other Solar System and Deep-Sky objects. We will also have a telescope dedicated to “Sky Souvenirs” for you to use your smart phone and our adapter to take a picture of the Moon. Flandrau Planetarium will be open for the event.

Astronomy Fundamentals Meeting – November 2018

Constellation of the Month:

Piscis Austrinus

Presenter:  Kay Lehman

Kay Lehman will talk about the northern constellation Piscis Austrinus.

Main Presentation:

Choosing and Using Telescope Eyepieces

Presenter:  Joe Jacoby

Joe Jacoby will be discussing Choosing and Using Telescope Eyepieces.


General Meeting – November 2018

6:30 pm – NO Introductory Presentation

7:30 pm – Main Presentation

Title:  Hayabusa2: Exploring Asteroid Ryugu and Implications for the Future

Speaker:  Adriana Mitchell is an undergraduate senior majoring in Optical Sciences and Engineering at the University of Arizona. She works with Professor Vishnu Reddy at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and Dr. Lucille Le Corre at the Planetary Science Institute, on the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)’s Hayabusa2 mission.

Visiting Near Earth Asteroids helps scientists understand conditions during the formation of the solar system and might help uncover where Earth’s water and organic materials originated. Adriana will discuss the large strides being made in asteroid exploration with the current asteroid sample-return missions; NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex mission to Bennu and JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission to the asteroid Ryugu. She will explain the implications for these cutting edge missions and her involvement in the creation of imaging products critical for characterizing potential landing sites on Ryugu for JAXA.