Evening Under the Stars

Evening Under the Stars Observing at the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (TAAA) Chiricahua Astronomy Complex. Want to stargaze from a dark site where the band of the Milky Way is clearly visible across the sky? You see so many stars it is hard to pick out the constellations. Twice per year, we open our TAAA Chiricahua Astronomy Complex (Turkey Creek area near Chiricahua National Monument) to the public for an observing session. You can observe through a telescope with a 40″ mirror and see galaxies over 100 million light years away. We will have several large telescopes to observe with.

Our Fall “Evening Under the Stars” will be Saturday October 19th 2019. The gate will be open at 5:30 pm with activities starting 6 pm. Come join us for an exciting evening of astronomical observing. The site is about 90 minutes SE of Tucson near the Chiricahua National Monument. If you have friends/family that live in that area, let them know. The event is weather dependent. Reservations are required. Please email John Kalas at jckalas[at]cox.net for reservations and directions. Please include number of people & vehicles in your group. Space is limited.

The nebulosity associated with M45 is not the progenitor of the cluster. Instead, it is a nebula through which M45 is passing. NASA Image, Robert Gendler
The nebulosity associated with M45 is not the progenitor of the cluster. Instead, it is a nebula through which M45 is passing.
NASA Image, Robert Gendler

Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party


This year’s Grand Canyon Star Party will be Virtual and streamed from the Grand Canyon National Park Facebook page. Here are links to the Grand Canyon News Release and Facebook Page. Follow the Facebook event for any updates:

Schedule/Information  2020  Virtual GCSP

 TAAA Members: Please attend as many events as possible and help us out
by assisting in answering  chat questions of visitors, encouraging their interest
in the sky, and mentioning the 2021 GCSP!

Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon’s 2020 Star Party will be Hosted Virtually

[A night sky with red lighting in the forefront highlights telescopes looking at the sky. The words          “Welcome to the Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party 2020!” are superimposed over the image.]
    The 30th annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held virtually June 13-20, 2020. While the on-      site event at Grand Canyon National Park has been cancelled on both rims due to concerns over
COVID-19 this year, the park hopes to bring the wonders of the night sky into the virtual realm
through a series of video premieres on Grand Canyon’s official Facebook account.


           Go to Facebook to participate in event. Or go to Facebook and set up a personal reminder.

JUN 13 AT 6 PM – JUN 20 AT 8:30 PM
Online Event
Public  · Hosted by
Grand Canyon National Park
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party 2020

   Welcome to the Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party 2020!
Grand Canyon National Park and the Grand Canyon Conservancy invite       you to the Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party 2020, June 13-20…


    Saturday, June 13, 2020
    6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Dark Skies in Isolation: Why Protecting the Night Sky is More Important Than Ever by         Dr. John Barentine
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 1 by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy

 Sunday, June 14, 2020
     6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Lions, Vultures, and a Scorpion, Oh My! A Summer Jaunt through Arabian Skies by             Dr.Danielle Adams
7:00PM – 8:30PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 2 by Focus Astronomy

 Monday, June 15, 2020
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
A Tour Through the Universe by Dean Regas
 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 3 by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
         6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Infant Galaxies to Alien Atmospheres: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope by Dr.              Amber Straughn
        7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 4 by Focus Astronomy

         Wednesday, June 17, 2020
          6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
The Art of Photographing Dark Skies by Shreenivasan Manievannan
          7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 5 by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy

Thursday, June 18, 2020
           6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
One Giant Leap: Apollo Astronaut Training in the Grand Canyon by Kevin Schindler
           7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 6 by Focus Astronomy

Friday, June 19, 2020
           6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Astrophotography for Beginners by Bettymaya Foott
           7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 7 by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy                     Association

 Saturday, June 20, 2020
 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Planetary Defense: Surveying the Sky for Killer Asteroids by Professor Vishnu
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Virtual Grand Canyon Star Party: Session 8 by Focus Astronomy

Definitely Also SEE Additional Information on NPS Web Page
Including info on 2021 GCSP:


Join Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and the National Park Service for the 30th annual Star Party. The Star Party will be June 13 – 20, 2020. You will see Solar System planets, Galaxies Far Far Away, Star Clusters — some with several hundred thousand stars, Nebulae, multiple star systems (some with as many as 6 stars), and lots more. The skies are so dark you can clearly see the band of the Milky Way overhead. We start with a talk in the Visitor Center Auditorium about an astronomy topic at 8 pm. Observing at the telescopes goes from sunset (about 8 pm) to 11 pm. This event is free and open to anyone inside the Grand Canyon (park entrance fee required).  For additional information, check out our Grand Canyon Star Party Webpage at: https://tucsonastronomy.org/upcoming-events/grand-canyon-star-party/.

Chiricahua National Monument Night Sky Talk

Due to Covid-19, we will not have any actual telescope viewing. But, we will have a laser guided talk about the night sky. This will be held at the Echo Canyon Trailhead parking area so everyone can maintain social distancing without congregating around any telescopes. We also ask that you wear a mask. The talk will go from 7 to around 8 pm.

Registration is required because there is limited parking and to maintain physical distancing. Call the visitor center staff at 520-824-3560 x9302 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm to register for this special event.
Participants should dress warmly and wear face coverings, bring a portable chair or blanket to sit upon, drinks, snacks, binoculars, and a flashlight with a red filter, if possible.

Chiricahua National Monument website: https://www.nps.gov/chir/index.htm.

Oracle State Park Stargazing

Star Party-Oracle State Park
Tucson, AZ
Viewing Location: Kannally Ranch House
Information: Great dark skies just north of Tucson at Oracle State Park.  Star Party open to the Public.  Admission cost for entrance into Oracle State Park may apply.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a wide variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (https://www.facebook.com/TucsonAstronomy/). There is generally a talk and other events also taking place. Check the Oracle State Park website for additional information.

Catalina State Park Stargazing

Star Party-Catalina State Park
Tucson, AZ
Viewing Location: Trailhead Picnic area at end of road inside the park.
Information: Great dark skies just north of Tucson at Catalina State Park.  Star Party open to the Public.  Admission cost for entrance into Catalina State Park.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have 10 telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a wide variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (https://www.facebook.com/TucsonAstronomy/).

Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Stargazing

Star Party-Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area
Tucson, AZ (West)
Viewing Location:  Second Restroom area  approximately 3/4 of the way in on Hal Gras Road.
Information: Great dark skies in Western Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (https://www.facebook.com/TucsonAstronomy/).

Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Stargazing

Star Party-Tucson Mountain Park Ironwood Picnic Area
Tucson, AZ (West)
Viewing Location:  Second Restroom area  approximately 3/4 of the way in on Hal Gras Road.
Information: Great dark skies in Western Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (https://www.facebook.com/TucsonAstronomy/).

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing (TENTATIVE)

TENTATIVE – Pending COVID-19 Status

REGISTRATION REQUIRED. LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS. If your plans change after registration, please cancel your registration so others may enjoy the event.

Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes using monitors for astronomical viewing to practice Social Distancing for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Only registered participants will be allowed entry. Please arrive as close as possible to the start time. For real-time updates, check in here or follow the event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (https://www.facebook.com/TucsonAstronomy/).

Registration will required. Register after February 20, 2021 at: https://stargazing_acp.eventbrite.com

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing

Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Park gate may close before event end time, so arrive as close to start time as possible. Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (https://www.facebook.com/TucsonAstronomy/).

Empire Ranch Cowboy Festival

TAAA will have a solar telescope to safely view the surface of the Sun. The Festival goes from 10 am to 4 pm with lots of other activities.