ONLINE – Astronomy Fundamentals Meeting – September 2020

Constellation of the Month:

Lacerta and Vulpecula

Presenter:  Connor Justice

Connor Justice will be opening up the meeting with a presentation on the constellations Lacerta and Vulpecula.

Main Presentation:

Astronomer Johannes Kepler

Presenter:  Doug Smith

Afterwards,  Doug Smith  will be following up with our main topic on the astronomer Johannes Kepler.

Oracle State Park Stargazing

Star Party-Oracle State Park
Tucson, AZ
Viewing Location: Kannally Ranch House
Information: Great dark skies just north of Tucson at Oracle State Park.  Star Party open to the Public.  Admission cost for entrance into Oracle State Park may apply.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a wide variety of telescopes.  Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page ( There is generally a talk and other events also taking place. Check the Oracle State Park website for additional information. Check TAAA Facebook Page or here for any updates as we get closer.

Virtual Star Party Stargazing

Join Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association for a Virtual tour of the Night Sky. We will explore planets, Nebulae, Star Clusters, Galaxies, and much more. The event will be streamed from our Facebook Page (TAAA Facebook)

Grand Canyon National Park Star Party (VIRTUAL)

Join Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association and the National Park Service for the 31st annual Star Party. The Star Party will be June 5 – 12, 2021 and will be held virtually. You will see Solar System planets, Galaxies Far Far Away, Star Clusters — some with several hundred thousand stars, Nebulae, multiple star systems (some with as many as 6 stars), and lots more. For additional information, check out our TAAA Grand Canyon Star Party Webpage at:

To view the virtual stream, visit the Grand Canyon Facebook Page. For additional information, schedule, and links to the Facebook stream, visit the Grand Canyon Star Party website:  Grand Canyon Star Party

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing

Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Park gate may close before event end time, so arrive as close to start time as possible. Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Check back here for the link as we get closer.

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing

Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Park gate may close before event end time, so arrive as close to start time as possible. Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Check back here for the link as we get closer.

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing

Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Park gate may close before event end time, so arrive as close to start time as possible. Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please visit the following link to register for the event:

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing

Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Park gate may close before event end time, so arrive as close to start time as possible. Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page (

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The event is FREE but register at:

Agua Caliente Park Stargazing (Tentative)

TENTATIVE – Pending COVID-19 Status
Star Party-Agua Caliente Park
Tucson, AZ (Northeast)
Viewing Location:  Bus Lanes @ North end of Parking Lot
Information: Great dark skies in Northeast Tucson.  Star Party open to the Public.  Cost: FREE.  Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will have several telescopes for astronomical viewing.  We will observe Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Star Clusters and lots more.  Great opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes.  Park gate may close before event end time, so arrive as close to start time as possible. Weather dependent.  For real-time updates, follow this event on the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Facebook Events Page ( TO REGISTER (Free, limited availability): See Event Website.