2023 Annular Eclipse Photos

Several TAAA members traveled to Roswell New Mexico to view the 2023 Annular Eclipse. Roswell was along the centerline. While in Roswell, we did an outreach event for those in the area.

The Roswell crew ready for the Eclipse.

Pictures of the Eclipse from Bernie Stinger using a Lunt 60mm Ha Solar Scope.

Images of the Eclipse from Tom Sarko using a DSLR Camera with Solar Filter.

Several TAAA Members also supported the Flandrau Science Center on the University of Arizona in Tucson for a large outreach event showing the partial phase of the Annular Eclipse.

Fundamentals of Astronomy Class

Fundamentals of Astronomy Class open for enrollment

Place: Armory Park Center, 220 S. 5th Ave, Tucson

Date: 3 consecutive Saturdays: February 24, 2024, March 2, 2024, March 9, 2024

Time: 9 AM until 4 PM each day

Synopsis: This class covers all the basic topics in Amateur Astronomy. The course is designed for anyone interested in learning the basic concepts in Amateur Astronomy. Topics covered (but not limited to) include the solar system, deep sky objects, stars, telescopes, eyepieces, mounts, star hopping, observation techniques, plus much more. This course is highly recommended for novice amateur astronomers and for anyone who may have just purchased a telescope for the first time. Taking this class will also aide the student in understanding the more advanced lectures often given during general membership meetings.

If interested you can contact the instructor at the information listed below or sign up using the signup sheet that will be available at all General Members meeting starting October 2023 through February 2024. Enrollment is strictly limited to 20 students and is on a first come basis. If there is sufficient interest the class may be offered again in the fall/winter 2024 time frame.

Instructor – Douglas Smith

Phone: 520-396-3233 e-mail: alcor@tucsonastronomy.org or fundamentals@tucsonastronomy.org

Planets of the Month: September & October 2023

By Erich Karkoschka

Saturn is 45 degrees high during the late evening. Rings are almost half open, the last time for several years.

Jupiter rises at 10 pm during early September, but close to sunset by late October. Its magnitude reaches -2.9, which is as high as it ever gets. Jupiter transits 73 degrees high during the morning hours.

Uranus is 10 degrees east of Jupiter at magnitude 5.7, getting closer to the Pleiades.

Neptune is between Jupiter and Saturn at magnitude 7.8. It reaches opposition on September 19.

Venus rises at 4 am, but later already at 3 am. It is high up by sunrise and is a large crescent in September, reaching half phase in late October. It is brightest in mid-September, and at -4.8, it is really bright. One could find it during daytime, for example around 9:30 am 65 degrees high in the south, or close to the moon September 11-12 and October 10.

Mercury is a morning object from September 15 to October 6, rising at 5 am below Regulus, which is below Venus.

The moon passes Jupiter on September 4, October 1 and 28. It is close to Pollux on the morning of October 7.

Arizona gets its second and last annular solar eclipse on October 14 with a maximum around 9:35 am. Tucson gets a good partial eclipse, while Four Corners (and parts of New Mexico) get the annular phase. A great event to watch, especially with a filtered telescope. Always use an approved SOLAR FILTER for observing Partial and Annular Eclipses.

Classes and Workshops

TAAA hosts numerous classes and workshops for Members Only throughout the year.

Practical Astronomy – Workshop 1 – Star Hopping

Open for Enrollment

Place: TIMPA Date/Time: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 5:45 PM until completed

Synopsis: This is the first workshop in the practical astronomy workshop series. It will teach Star Hopping. The students will be taught the proper star hopping technique and equipment usage. Each student will use the supplied equipment to locate at least 2 targets (maybe more if time permits). By the end of the workshop the student will know what equipment to use and how to use it in order to locate targets using star hopping.

Practical Astronomy Workshop 2 – Constellation Locating and Identification – open for enrollment

Place: TIMPA Date: Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 Time: 6:30 PM until completed

Synopsis: This is the second workshop in the practical astronomy workshop series. It will teach how to locate and identify constellations. The students will be taught how to locate and identify the constellations without having to memorize the night sky. Each student will use the supplied equipment to locate several constellations. Students will learn how to use a planisphere and star atlas to locate constellations without memorizing the sky. This program provides the methodology for the observing requirements of the Astronomical League Northern Constellation Observing Award.

If interested you can register Below or contact the instructor Douglas Smith at: alcor@tucsonastronomy.org

PLEASE NOTE: due to equipment limitations there is a strict limit of 20 students for this workshop.

TAAA hosts numerous classes and workshops for Members Only throughout the year.

Upcoming Workshops Open for Pre-enrollment

Several workshops are being planned for the fall 2023/winter 2024 time frame.

• A Sketching/Logging workshop will be offered.

• A Constellation identification/locating workshop will be offered. Dates/Times are still TBD. They will be announced in the bulletin as soon as they are set.

If you are interested in enrolling in any of these workshops or would like additional information contact the TAAA Astronomical League Correspondent (ALCOR) at the information listed below.

TAAA ALCOR – Douglas Smith; Phone: 520-396-3233; E-mail: alcor@emergency

Experience the Sky


Classes and Workshops
Course or Workshop *

Planets of the Month: August 2023

By Erich Karkoschka

Mercury is visible around 8 pm in the west until August 16th.

Mars is about 5 degrees to the upper left during this time, just a little dimmer, but still visible since it is higher up. By the end of the month it becomes hard to find. It will reappear in March 2024. During the first week of August, both planets are best visible. Around the 13th, they are closest together.

Saturn in Aquarius is visible all night since it is at opposition on the 27th. Its rings are narrow, 43″ x 6″ in extent.

Jupiter in Aries rises now before midnight, outshining all stars and other planets.

Venus rises up to become visible starting on the 18th during dawn. It is obvious by the 31st, when a 10 percent illuminated crescent shows up in binoculars. Venus is near the head of Hydra, where other planets do not go.

The moon occults Antares on the 24th between 7:03 and 7:58 pm AZ Time in Tucson. The disappearance is a few minutes after sunset, when it is easily visible in binoculars and impressive in a telescope near the half moon. It occurs at the dark side of the moon which is not visible during bright twilight. The reappearance is at the bright limb, when the sky is dark.

The Perseids are active until mid-month, visible without moonlight. The maximum is the night of the 12th, morning of the 13th. Best viewed under dark skies at the peak after midnight on the morning of the 13th. Look toward the east. The meteors will appear to emanate from the constellation Perseus. The parent comet is Swift-Tuttle (16 miles/26 kilometers across).

32″ Eye on the Galaxy Telescope Project

Bob Reynolds’ initial statement regarding TAAA 32 inch Telescope Project  
“I’m pleased to announce that TAAA is in active discussions with a donor offering us a professional grade 32” cassegrain telescope, mount, and Ash Dome! As a result, a team composed of TAAA members along with manufacturer and donor representatives will be in Colorado in late June to disassemble, pack and transport the donation to storage sites in and around the CAC.

In May 2023, TAAA was given the generous gift of a 32 inch research grade Cassegrain telescope, with the proviso we retrieve it from the donor in Colorado before the end of June.  The company was moving to a new location and could not take this telescope with them.  They had purchased the telescope in 2019.   It had not been permanently installed and was unused except for a few demonstrations they had staged.   A team of 11 TAAA volunteers, at their own expense, worked to receive the telescope from the donor in Longmont, CO, disassemble the telescope, load over 4100 lbs. into trucks, drive it to Cochise County AZ, unload it and place it into safe storage in a member’s barn.

DFM 32 inch Cassegrain safely in storage in Cochise Co. AZ awaiting installation at its new home at TAAA dark site.

After analysis of the donation with respect to our members and how we might also use it serving the community, it was decided to move forward with the telescope installation. The first steps will be to reassemble the telescope in a newly constructed roll-off roof observatory east of the Mooney Classroom building at TAAA’s CAC dark site.

A TAAA construction team headed by Bob Reynolds and Ed Foley has been formed to attend to the details necessary to complete observatory design, construction and telescope installation. The team will be drawing on the talent and enthusiasm of TAAA to make that happen.  The 32 inch Project team now includes Larry Stepp for design and safety, Bob Rose for construction, Doug Summers for optics and Tom Melscheimer for building design and instrument assembly. An Advisory Panel of astronomy professionals and TAAA members was convened in August to consider the current plans and review long term possibilities for this special telescope.

  • Phase 1 – Install the telescope in a roll off roof observatory in the state we received it. Train members in its use and get to know its capabilities. Employ the telescope in TAAA outreach programs including the Astronomy Camp program.
  • Phase 2 – Consider best use of the instrument for TAAA including potential optical configuration changes.
  • Phase 3 – Upgrade the observatory and telescope controls to include remote operations

We have already had many members step up to donate their time to retrieve the telescope and offer to assistance constructing the observatory and installing the telescope. The construction of the observatory and installation of the the instrument is estimated to cost $75,000 in 2024. Anyone who is unable to donate their time but wishing to help with the effort can donate to the effort by noting “32 inch Project” on their check to TAAA, or by clicking the Donate Now button top right of this page.

They story of the telescope to date was reviewed in the September 2023 member meeting:


If you would like to support the project, you can also print and send this Pledge Form describing your gift.

Or Donate ONLINE following the button

Planets of the Month: July

By Erich Karkoschka

This month marks the end of the evening visibility of Venus. It perhaps is visible until August 3. This is the greatest time for telescopic observations since it shows a large crescent. By the 31at, it is only illuminated by 6%.

Mars is 3 degrees east of Venus but the separation increases since Venus is stationary on the 21st while Mars keeps on going. Mars passes 1 degree north of Regulus on the 9th and 10th.

Mercury appears in the evening sky on the 12th, passing Regulus on the 28th.

The moon passes those three planets including Regulus on the 18th to 20th. On the 18th it is still very difficult to find. On the 19th it is right in the middle of them. On the 20th it is close to Mars.

Saturn rises during the late evening. Its rings are almost edge-on.

Neptune follows an hour later.

Jupiter rises after midnight and is very high by dawn.

Uranus is 10 degrees east of Jupiter in the morning sky.

Planets of the Month – June 2023

By Erich Karkoschka

Venus is at its greatest western elongation on the 4th, showing a half phase in a telescope. It is 40 degrees high at sunset and sets after 10 pm.

Mars is close to Venus, only 3 degrees ahead of it by the end of the month.

Saturn rises around midnight. Its rings are tilted by 8 degrees.

Jupiter follows Saturn 3 hours later.

Mercury has a poor visibility around 4:30 am.

The Moon is only 3 degrees from Venus on the evening of the 21st (summer solstice), a spectacular sight. Mars is also nearby. Venus might be seen naked eye long before sunset just to the upper right of the Moon.

Planets of the Month: May 2023

by Erich Karkoschka

Venus is at its best, 40 degrees high at sunset and not setting until 10:45 pm. The Moon is 4 degrees below Venus on the evening of the 22nd, a great sight. Good eyes can see the pair during the daytime, such as around 3:30 pm when Venus is 84 degrees high. On the 22nd, the Moon is 7 degrees to the west, on the 23rd, 6 degrees to the east.
Mars is in the vicinity of Pollux and Castor all month. On the 15th, they form an 11-degree long line of “stars” of similar brightness.

Saturn rises around 2 am.

Jupiter follow Saturn around 4 am during dawn.

Mercury is barely visible after the 24th when it rises at 4:15 am.

On the morning of the 7th, the Moon occults Jupiter from 4:18 to 5:11 am. It takes a minute each to cover or uncover Jupiter’s large disk. The disappearance is difficult to observe since the pair is only 2 degrees above the horizon, 10 minutes after they rise. The reappearance is difficult to watch naked eye because of bright twilight, just 14 minutes before sunrise. However it should look great in binoculars or a telescope. Interestingly, the shadows of Io and Europa will remain on the disk until well past sunrise but the air may be too turbulent to pick them out.

Grand Canyon Star Party – June 2024

The Grand Canyon Star Party (GCSP) is held on the South Rim in northern Arizona’s Grand Canyon National Park in June every year around the time of the new moon. All amateur astronomers (must register using below information to attend) and the interested public of all ages are invited (no registration required)! Bring your telescope and enjoy the camaraderie. But you don’t have to have a telescope to come and enjoy the beautiful Arizona night skies. You DO need to reserve a room or campsite and make your travel arrangements early. See Accommodation Information for details. A visit to the breathtaking Grand Canyon is an unforgettable and fabulous vacation for families, singles, and seniors. Add a week of dark Arizona skies, lots of friends, fun, and astronomy education, and you have a recipe for perfection!

GCSP 2024

Stay tuned here for updates and information on the 2023 Grand Canyon Star Party, scheduled for June 1 – 8, 2024. PLEASE CHECK HERE as we get closer for any GCSP planning updates. The dates for each phase will be updated as we get closer. Registration will be open 3-4 months prior to the event.

Volunteer Registration form and the Campground Reservation Application links are accessible below under Volunteer Registration Information. Documents required by the National Park Service (NPS)  to be signed and brought to the event are available below and will be emailed to participants approximately 1 month prior.

For any inquires about the status or general information not listed here, please email the team at: gcsp[at]tucsonastronomy.org.  The GCSP Registrar Email address will be added under Registration Information below.

If you are an astronomer volunteering to support this event, please follow the registration instructions below. If you are a visitor to the Grand Canyon National Park at the time of the GCSP just come on out and enjoy the wonderful nights with us under the high desert skies. Again, no registration is necessary for visitors, but astronomer participants will need to register in order to receive further instructions and entry information.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Also visit the excellent National Park Services star party site. And here is a time lapse video taken by TAAA member Dean Ketelsen at the 2011 event and a GCSP 2022 Timelapse from Bob Rose.