
The Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association’s mission – to provide opportunities for members and the community to learn about and share the joy and excitement of Astronomy through observing, education and fun – is evidenced by the numerous activities involving members. These activities are supported by capabilities provided by our diverse membership and the financial resources donated to TAAA by members and the community. Some evidence of our performance and potential are provided by the following metrics.


Total Number of Volunteers –

Total Volunteer Hours –

Total Equivalent Dollars worked –

School Star Nights – 2022 this group held 114 events at schools and parks, using 25 members operating 330 telescopes over 1403 volunteer hours sharing the sky with 10,657 happy participants.

Grand Canyon Star Party – 2023 TAAA’s 33rd year hosting the event – Visitor attendance 8,248 (9,264 in 2022), 107 Astronomy volunteers contributing 2,501 hours (2,395 in 2022) averaging 49 telescopes each night (50 in 2022) over the 8 nights, with 12 imaging videoscopes.

Tucson Festival of Books 2023 – 20 Volunteers donated 120 hours – 4735 Visitors engaged

Astronomy Day Festival at Brady Fenton Park – Volunteers – Visitors engaged


Total Voting Members – May 2024 – 861 made up of 383 Individuals, 470 Families, 8 complimentary (2 voting members counted in each Family Membership) (Total up from 746 total in May 2023)

Members from – Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, British Columbia (Canada), California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario (Canada), Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Switzerland, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin

Astronomical League – 2022 TAAA members earned 38 Observing Awards. In 2022 TAAA members earned the third highest number of Astronomical League Outreach awards in the nation.


Revenues – 2021 990 – $108,153 2022 990 – $192,182

Revenues Less Expenses – 2021 990 – $67,148 2022 990 – $152,548

Net Assets – 2021 990 – $979,495 2022 990 – $1,132043

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Users This Year : 100241