For more than 30 years, the Grand Canyon Star Party (GCSP) has been sponsored by TAAA and other volunteers. It is held on the South Rim in northern Arizona’s Grand Canyon National Park in June every year around the time of the new moon with the National Parks Service. A visit to the breathtaking Grand Canyon is an unforgettable and fabulous vacation for families, singles, and seniors. Add a week of dark Arizona skies, lots of friends, fun, and astronomy education, and you have a recipe for perfection!
All amateur astronomers volunteers (must register using below information to attend) and the interested public of all ages are invited (no registration required)! Bring your telescope and enjoy the camaraderie. But you don’t have to have a telescope to come and enjoy the beautiful Arizona night skies. You DO need to reserve a room or campsite and make your travel arrangements early. See Accommodation Information for details.
GCSP 2025
The 2025 Grand Canyon Star Party, scheduled for June 21 – 28, 2025.
If you are a visitor to the Grand Canyon National Park at the time of the GCSP just come on out and enjoy the wonderful nights with us under the high desert skies. Again, no registration is necessary for visitors, but astronomer participants will need to register in order to receive further instructions and entry information.
Volunteer Registration form and the Campground Reservation Application links are accessible below. If you are an astronomer volunteering to support this event, please follow the registration instructions below.
VOLUNTEER Information
Volunteer Complimentary CAMPSITE – Click Form Here
For any inquires about the status or general information not listed here, please email the team at: gcsp[at]
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Also visit the excellent National Park Services star party site. And here is a time lapse video taken by TAAA member Dean Ketelsen at the 2011 event and a GCSP 2022 Timelapse from Bob Rose.