As one of the benefits of being a member of TAAA each member has access to pool of TAAA owned equipment they may borrow. To arrange a loan contact ELC[at]
TAAA Telescope Equipment Loaner Program items:
Orion SkyWatcher 12” Collapsible Dobsonian with 8×50 finderOrion

SkyWatcher 10” Dobsonian with Telrad

Celestron 11″ CPC fork mounted

Celestron 6” SCT single fork mounted, with tripod and GOTO.

Orion SkyQuest 10” Dob with Telrad and 8×50 finder and 8×50 finder. NOTE from the Equipment Loan

24Celestron 6” SCT, single fork mount, GOTOMeade 4” SCT in case, with tripod, battery pack, diagonal, and 2 eyepiecesCelestron Nexstar 6” SCT, diagonal, and eyepieceCelestron 8” SCT, Single Fork mount, GOTOStellar Vue 85mm RefractorOrion SkyQuest XT-10 clas-sic 10” Dobsonian, f 5.0, 1.25 focuser, 8×50 finder, push-to.TAAA Equipment Loaner Program (Continued)Orion 10” Dobsonian black tube8x50 finder25
25Eye Piece Case #31.25” AstroTech Paradigm in 8mm, 12mm, 15mm, and 25mmEyepiece Case #4: Black Case. 5 Celestron X-Cell 1.35” eyepieces. Focal Lengths: 25mm, 18mm, 12mm, 9mm, 7mmTAAA Equipment Loaner Program (Continued)Eyepiece Case #1: Black Orion Case5 1.25-inch Celestron Multi Coated X-Cell LX eyepieces: 25mm, 18mm, 12mm, 9mm, 7mm focal lengths. 6×30 finder and diagonal.Eyepiece case No. 2Black Orion Case contains a 2” Hyperion-Aspheric 72-degree 36mm and 1.25” Hyperion eyepieces:8mm, 13mm, 17mm, 21mm, and 24mm.Eyepiece Case #5: Black case, Eyepieces: : 2” Celestron E-Lux 40mm, Meade 2” QX 26mm, 1.25” VLW 13mm, VLW 17mm, Orion 9mm Plossl, Orion 6mm Kellner, Unknown 32mm, Unknown 25mm, Ortho, 20mm Kellner 20mm, Unknown crosshair, 1.25”, Kellner .965”, Other: 2” Extension Tube, 1.25” extension tube, 2” Nebula filter, 3x Barlow, 1.25” Orion diagonal dielectric mirror.Case #7Silver Case. Misc. A couple of eye-pieces and numerous filters. Will get this sorted and inventoried shortly.