Category Archives: Join Us!

TAAA Classes

Classes available to all TAAA members.

Training AT CAC – The TAAA Eastern Dark Site

Telescope Training for the portfolio of CAC Telescopes from its 9.25″ to 40″telescopes – GENERAL INFORMATION ATTACHED

Training AT TIMPA – The TAAA Western Dark Site


Constellation Locating



Using Setting Circles

Astronomical League Workshop

See the workshop registration page at the above course links for the latest dates of the training.

Fundamentals of Astronomy Class open for enrollment

Place: Armory Park Center, 220 S. 5th Ave, Tucson

Date: 3 consecutive Saturdays: January 11th, 18th, 25th 2025

Time: 9 AM until 4 PM each day

Synopsis: This class covers all the basic topics in Amateur Astronomy. The course is designed for anyone interested in learning the basic concepts in Amateur Astronomy. Topics covered (but not limited to) include the solar system, deep sky objects, stars, telescopes, eyepieces, mounts, star hopping, observation techniques, plus much more. This course is highly recommended for novice amateur astronomers and for anyone who may have just purchased a telescope for the first time. Taking this class will also aide the student in understanding the more advanced lectures often given during general membership meetings.

If interested, you can contact the instructor at the information listed below or sign up using the signup sheet that will be available at all General Members meeting or reserve your spot on the website following the Class Registration link (below). Enrollment is strictly limited to 20 students and is on a first come basis. If there is sufficient interest the class may be offered again in the Fall/Winter 2024 time frame.

Class Registration

Instructor – Douglas Smith

Phone: 520-396-3233 e-mail: alcor(at) or fundamentals(at)

Member Benefits


What we have to Offer:

Monthly Member Meetings

The first Friday of each month the members of TAAA meet at the auditorium of the Steward Observatory on the campus of the University of Arizona. We have wide range of programs during the year. We have presentations from members and member groups, seasonal observing tips, and monthly planet reports. Being at the center of the nation’s astronomy industry, and in proximity of so much astronomy talent, TAAA host speakers from all over the discipline often to share cutting edge work in the field.


TAAA offers opportunities for its members to become active contributors to STEM education. We actively offer education to our own members and encourage those members to inspire students and the community by sharing their knowledge of the sky during events we host throughout the year.

Special Interest Groups

Sub-groups formed to study areas of special interest.

Astronomy Fundamentals


Holds monthly meetings on topics of interest to the budding astronomer and the seasoned veteran. This multifunctional group presents a basic astronomy course; sponsors workshops and guided observing programs.

Starry Messenger

Starry Messenger Banner

This multi-faceted group reaches out to the public in many ways to share the awesomeness of our universe.

Astronomical Imaging

Members meet monthly to share their images and discuss astro imaging, hardware & software, and the issues that may arise.

Dark Sites

Access to each of our two dark sites – one to the west of the Tucson Mountains and one south-southeast of Tucson in Pearce, AZ – available to members and their guests.


Equipment Lending Program

We have telescopes and accessories that members can borrow. This allows members to use telescopes at the dark sites, or to test the various equipment types before buying.  The available TELESCOPES link.

TAAA Forum

Participate in the discussion forum to share topical issues in the Astronomy world.  Members share observations, astronomy related stories,  astro-photos, and ideas on equipment.

Affiliation with National Organizations

Opportunity to meet and associate with astronomy professionals and share your astronomy knowledge with others.

Members Bulletin

Members receive a monthly Desert Skies Bulletin, listing current activities and astronomy related articles of interest. Log into Member Planet (through Members Only Portal) to view the latest Bulletin. Members will also receive an email link for each new Bulletin.

Bulletin (Monthly) – Monthly Bulletins – historic list

Member Apparel – with TAAA Logo

Members have access to apparel from shirts to hats, shorts to active wear all sporting the TAAA logo in the Apparel Catalog.

Access to Club Library

Our club library contains many books and CD’s that are available to our members. [Read More]

Specialty Workshops

Guided projects to build astronomy equipment. Our current projects include building white light solar filters and lamps which help preserve night vision.  The upcoming Classes are listed at this LINK.

Guided Observing Programs

Include observing constellations, the sun, the moon, our solar system, and double stars. We even have a family observing program.

Link to your Website

We will provide a link from our website to yours.

Now that you have seen what we are about, you might want to consider joining with us. If you join with us, you will receive a New Member Packet which includes the following:

  • Welcome Letter
  • TAAA Privacy Policy
  • Star party Etiquette
  • Getting Started in Astronomy
  • Astronomy for Beginners
  • TAAA Lending Programs
  • Helpful Astronomy Product Reviews

Invitations to member social events

TAAA holds social events at the end of each in person member meeting, at our dark sites during the year, and a celebratory year end Holiday Party where you can mingle with like minded, curious members.

…and we provide mentoring where needed.

Sample Post

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Etiam ultricies mi risus, id mollis magna gravida vel. Morbi tincidunt varius euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Donec fringilla mattis velit sit amet hendrerit. Praesent sed ante mollis, hendrerit massa sit amet, blandit felis. Cras ornare volutpat lacus, at dignissim tellus molestie quis. Mauris porttitor id dui at rutrum. Morbi elementum faucibus egestas. Duis mattis quam urna, quis dictum nisi interdum a. Quisque ac leo ut ante vulputate sagittis eu a nibh. Curabitur turpis nibh, tincidunt eget rutrum sit amet, vulputate et arcu. Vestibulum non condimentum augue. Duis condimentum eu eros eget lobortis. Ut non vehicula nibh, sit amet faucibus ipsum. Quisque a nulla non velit efficitur venenatis eget nec lacus. Nulla facilisis dui ornare maximus blandit.

Praesent eu justo lacinia, aliquam neque ac, cursus sapien. Maecenas in tincidunt sem. Integer volutpat orci tristique nunc pretium, id vehicula massa sollicitudin. Donec sit amet metus pulvinar, vehicula felis ut, faucibus nibh. Aliquam luctus erat quis bibendum blandit. Donec venenatis massa et ligula laoreet tincidunt. Mauris dignissim, velit at tristique ultricies, augue est imperdiet ante, sed laoreet dolor nibh auctor sem. Proin nibh ante, sagittis ac euismod non, condimentum convallis nunc. Duis quis ante in tellus lacinia ultricies ut in sapien. Pellentesque et nunc dapibus, vulputate lorem eget, aliquet mi. Fusce bibendum, magna dapibus tincidunt pretium, ante dolor ornare nisl, ac sodales nunc orci ut felis. Praesent sit amet neque ultrices magna aliquet dapibus at lacinia ex. Praesent nec semper nulla, fringilla vestibulum ex. Morbi in fermentum dolor. Etiam tellus quam, lobortis at orci eu, varius suscipit sem. Aliquam quis sapien eget nisi aliquam convallis nec at velit.

Nullam sagittis mollis eleifend. Phasellus et ullamcorper purus. Aliquam non ex non lorem pretium venenatis. Vivamus rhoncus consectetur velit quis condimentum. In vulputate et orci eu interdum. Fusce non diam a nulla auctor cursus sit amet ut sem. Maecenas finibus, augue et dignissim aliquet, ligula urna congue nisi, a ultricies enim libero facilisis metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc metus eros, imperdiet a nisl eu, iaculis efficitur mauris.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In condimentum fringilla tincidunt. Donec elementum laoreet velit ut congue. Nunc bibendum massa ac velit fermentum malesuada. Pellentesque congue turpis ac eros fermentum, a faucibus tellus vestibulum. Aliquam ut est in nulla tempus porta. Donec tincidunt vulputate ornare. Quisque et nibh faucibus, molestie orci vel, malesuada ex.