The TAAA Dark Sites are for members and their guests. Each site has days scheduled around the new moon that are hosted by a trained member, during which members are always welcome.
The CAC dark site in Pearce, AZ is open at ALL times to members who have received training to properly open and close the site and to all members on the days we have a host in residence.
Reservations for the CAC site are required and should be submitted on this website any time within 90 days of the date being reserved. This site allows members of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association to register to observe or reserve space for overnight sleeping spaces at its Dark Site and to reserve parking at spaces for EV Charging. If you have extenuating circumstances that required longer lead-time, email the CAC Reservations Manager for assistance.
*** Upcoming Special Events at CAC*** (Email CAC Reservations or CAC Director if additional information is requested prior to making a reservation).
February 23-24, 2025. Astronomy Camp. Student Group at CAC.
May 3, 2025. Evening Under the Stars. Scheduled 7:30-9:30. Public event.
May 13-14, 2025. Weeds Maintenance spraying (Site Closed for Member use)
September 13, 2025. Evening Under the Stars. Scheduled 7:30-9:30. Public event
Members can reserve:
(A) register to simply observe for the evening – $0, (B) A private room with 2 beds (one a bunk bed to sleep 3 total) – $30, (C) A private room with one with one bunk bed (sleeps 2 total) – $25 (D) a cot space in the common room – $10, (E) an RV space with power – 30 amps – $15, or – 50 amps – $20, (F) One of the Site Telescopes – at $0 cost (If you are Certified on that Telescope) (G) One of the site’s multiple 50amp Electric Vehicle charging spaces – $15.
(For reservations requiring payment, you must pay within 48 hours or your reservation may be cancelled.)
Reserving a sleeping room also gives you the ability to reserve an observing pad (or, member leased pad) and add comments. To reserve a TAAA telescope, you must FIRST COMPLETE a CAC Accommodation Reservation (just observing, etc.) for a total of 2 reservations.
Guests at CAC. Members are limited to no more than 4 guests at CAC. Guests can stay in a room or RV site on a space available basis (members have priority) and may NOT be confirmed more than 1 week prior. The CAC Reservations Manager or CAC Director/Assistant can approve exceptions. No restrictions for tent camping.
Room/Space check-in/check-out 12 noon. Mattresses are firm, so bring an air pad or something to soften the mattress if desired. Members must provide their own bed linen. Also, refrigerator space is limited, so please minimize what you need to put into the refrigerator or bring a cooler with ice to keep in your room. Please take all personal items with you when you depart.
If you make a telescope observing reservation, you must FIRST make an Accommodation Reservation (just observing, sleeping room, cot, camping, etc) if spending the night.
Effective January 1, 2025, the following procedure will be implemented for all telescope reservations at CAC.
- Members can have only 2 active reservation nights for any CAC telescopes during the (upcoming) three months during the posted CAC Weekend defined as Thursday-Sunday of that period. Also, you can only reserve one of those nights during the four-day CAC weekend. More than 2 reservation nights during any rolling three month period will NOT be approved. One month prior to your telescope reservation, you may request additional observing nights if the telescope is not booked using the normal reservation process. So, starting January 1, if you have telescope reservations in November or December, you will not be able to reserve any additional time in January until those previous reservations drop off or within one month of your reservation. Same holds true in February using December/January as a baseline. This only applies to the defined CAC weekend dates.
- Outside of the posted CAC weekend, there are not any restrictions.
- These restrictions are necessary to allow more TAAA Members the opportunity to reserve and use CAC telescopes throughout the reservation process/timeline.
PETS are NOT allowed in sleeping rooms or inside the buildings at CAC. If you are in an RV / tent or just visiting the site and do not plan to go inside any buildings, then a pet on a leash is OK.
***NEW*** CANCELLATION Refund Policy. In order to receive a refund, you must cancel your room/RV reservation not later than 6 pm the day before your reservation. Otherwise, you will forfeit the fee. However, please be considerate of other members wanting to reserve and cancel as early as possible if your plans have changed to free up rooms for other members to use. Thank You!
Click the areas below to check available dates for your desired type of Visit and complete your request.

in RMO

If you do NOT receive a response confirming your reservation within 24 hours from the CAC Reservations Manager, you may follow-up with an email to:
IMPORTANT RESERVATION CANCELLATION/MODIFICATION PROCESS: Go here to MODIFY/CANCEL an existing reservation for a place to stay or equipment you have reserved. If you cannot keep your reservation due to weather or other issues, PLEASE CANCEL it so others may be able to use the site and we know who is on the site. Repeated failures to cancel may result in losing reservation privileges.
If you are unsure about your reservation status, contact the CAC Reservations Manager directly at: cac-reservations[at]
We encourage suggestions and comments about the reservation system to also go to the Reservations Manager.