The following telescopes (with active links) at the CAC site can be reserved by those who have been trained and certified to use the specific telescope they wish to reserve. There is NO fee for this reservation. If your plans change, PLEASE CANCEL the reservation so others may enjoy observing.
*** NEW ***. Effective January 1, 2025, the following procedure will be implemented for all telescope reservations at CAC.
- Members can have only 2 active reservation nights for any CAC telescopes during the (upcoming) three months during the posted CAC Weekend defined as Thursday-Sunday of that period. Also, you can only reserve one of those nights during the four-day CAC weekend. More than 2 reservation nights during any rolling three month period will NOT be approved. One month prior to your telescope reservation, you may request additional observing nights if the telescope is not booked using the normal reservation process. So, starting January 1, if you have telescope reservations in November or December, you will not be able to reserve any additional time in January until those previous reservations drop off or within one month of your reservation. Same holds true in February using December/January as a baseline. This only applies to the defined CAC weekend dates.
- Outside of the posted CAC weekend, there are not any restrictions.
- These restrictions are necessary to allow more TAAA Members the opportunity to reserve and use CAC telescopes throughout the reservation process/timeline.

Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes on the Stinger Pad
9.25 inch Celestron SCT on Stinger Pad
11 inch Celestron SCT on Stinger Pad
12 inch Meade SCT on Stinger Pad
14 inch Celestron SCT in Wally Rogers Observatory
18 inch Obsession Dobsonian on Stinger Pad (Telescope currently needs to be rolled to pad. Bring Your Own Eyepieces – none are currently assigned to this telescope.)
9 Inch Folded Refractor on RMO deck
25 inch Obsession Dobsonian Amphitheater container (Bring Your Own Eyepieces – none are currently assigned to this telescope)
(To go to other types of Reservations – Click Here)
If you later need to CANCEL a reservation you can CANCEL HERE.