When working on any of the Astronomical League observing programs, one of the choices to be made is what log sheet is to be utilized. Attached below as links are several log sheet templates. These templates are sufficient to cover most, if not all, of the Astronomical League observing programs. A short description of each template is listed below.
Constellation Log – This log sheet is specifically designed for the two CONSTELATION Hunter Observing Programs, both Northern and Southern skies.
Lunar Log – This log sheet is specifically for the LUNAR Observing Program and the Binocular Lunar Observing Program.
Generic – No Sketching Log – This log sheet is good log sheet to use for observing programs that don’t require detailed descriptions or sketches. Examples of programs this log sheet would be used for are the MESSIER Observing Program and the HERSCHEL 400 Observing Program.
Generic – with Sketching Log – This log sheet suits most observing programs. Many programs require sketches and descriptions. Some examples of programs that would use this log sheet are: DOUBLE STAR Observing Program, GLOBULAR Cluster Observing Program and the OPEN Cluster Observing Program. This log sheet can be easily adapted as required. For example in the Globular Cluster Observing Program it is necessary to add a classification of the cluster. The user would simply include that in the Description and Notes section.
Detailed Log – This log sheet would be used on any program where much detail is required. Examples of programs that would use this log sheet are the SOLAR SYSTEM and Binocular Solar System Observing Program, the URBAN Observing Program and the UNIVERSE SAMPLE Observing Program.
Also attached as links are two useful items.
The first is a Seeing and Transparency Guide Seeing and Transparency Guide. This guide defines Seeing (steadiness) and Transparency (magnitude of stars visible) and tells you how to rate the seeing and transparency. Since all the observing programs require this information to be noted on the log it is a useful guide.
The second item is a set of diagrams of Figures on the Moon. These figures are part of the required list of observations for the LUNAR Observing Program. These diagrams will help you recognize the figures.