Dr. Ed Foley worked for 35 years in the areas of finance and marketing in 3 countries. He provided strategic, managerial and financial guidance as an executive and a board member of manufacturing, finance, retail, and nonprofit organizations since 1995. Ed has held numerous executive positions including leadership of the $15 Billion North American finance company of Caterpillar before retiring and moving to Tucson. Over the years he earned a BS in Biology, an MBA in Finance and a DBA in International Finance.
Ed has been interested in astronomy for more than 50 years, but living for the last 30 years in urban settings had limited ability to pursue his love of the science. Soon after coming to Tucson, Ed joined TAAA and in 2014 was elected to the board and Treasurer. In 2018 he moved from the Treasurer to Board Member at Large to work more broadly as an advocate for TAAA’s outreach activities, its development of its dark observing sites, and activities to enhance the experience of TAAA’s membership. In 2021 he was elected Vice President. In 2023 he returned to the board as Board Member at Large and later again as Vice President.
He has at various times chaired the Fundraising committee, the Technology committee, the Website Content Committee, was Construction Manager of the Chiricahua Astronomy Complex Learning Center and member of the the Grand Canyon Star Party working group, has been a member of the Building committee, the Endowment committee, the CAC Planning group, the Investment committee, Director of the TAAA Astronomy Camp for high school students, co-manager of the 32 inch Cassegrain Project and acted as TAAA Webmaster. He and wife Janet have hosted the TAAA Holiday Party at their home since 2015.