● Graduate of Arizona State University
● Professional experience:
Lockheed Martin Director
Certified Program Manager
Program and business development – national security, Department of Defense contracts
Honeywell – semiconductor design for MOS technologies
Motorola – key designer for Electronic Telephone Chip (ETC)
Expertise in numerous other cross-functional and cross-industry programs & development
Numerous awards and commendations throughout career
● Non-profits – Wings for Women, Animal Humane New Mexico, YMCA school supply drives
● Other interests/hobbies – Bicycling, Motorcycling, Pickleball, traveling, hiking, Astronomy w/focus on space exploration
● Other activities – Volunteer instructor at several Charter Schools for at Risk Students in NM, continue to mentor young adults upon referral. 2022-Present Volunteered to be the TAAA Apparel Coordinator. 2023 Volunteer on the TAAA Handbook committee on Position Descriptions
My Telescope Info: Orion 10022 StarMax 90mm Maksutov-Cassegrain
Bottomline: I am enthusiastic to apply my experience in satellite design and space communications in my pursuits as an amateur astronomer. I want to be a value-added asset to TAAA bringing my strengths/successes in leadership. My organizational knowledge and team building proficiency are indicative of my ability to be a solid positive contributing team member. I also have a great sense of HUMOR!