Holiday Stargazing at Our Dark Site

Group hosted at the TSA dark site in Pearce, Arizona

Our staff hosts stargazing events on regular schedules and when possible on demand for dates of your choice.

We offer several stargazing options for any occasion to include events at our premiere dark site 100 miles southeast of Tucson, AZ called the Chiricahua Astronomy Complex (CAC). Attendees are responsible for their transportation to CAC. Events typically start 1/2 hour after sunset and are weather dependent. See below for a description of events and a link to the reservation request form. Typically we do not want to observe when the Moon is between First Quarter and within a few days after Full since the light from the Moon will hinder our ability to view deep sky objects. You can get Sun and Moon times for Tucson at:

———– Chiricahua Astronomy Complex (CAC) ————-

Scheduled Stargazing at CAC. A 2-hour observing session through one or several of our large telescopes. The number of telescopes will depend on how many participants are scheduled. Cost is $50/adult and $25/Child under 15. Specify number of adults and children. Cost is refundable if cancelled at least one-week before the event or if weather becomes an issue as evaluated by TAAA.

Upcoming Schedule, input date when reserving (times are Arizona or MST):

HOLIDAY OBSERVING: Monday December 23, 2024, 6:30-8:30 pm. Use the below form and input December 23, 2024 as the date. We will send you an invoice to your email address to pay. Fully refundable if you cancel at least 1 week in advance or if we have weather issues the day of the event. Any questions, email stargazing[at]

Family or Corporate Event at CAC. A 2-hour observing session through one or several of our large telescopes on a date of your choosing. Upgrade to our Galaxy level to observe some incredible views through our largest telescope with a 40-inch diameter mirror. Ideally the event should be scheduled on a date with a minimal Moon in the evening and suggested dates can be provided when requesting a reservation. Price provided upon request. Cost will be provided when the reservation is made.

Information and Reservation Request

To make a reservation or request availability / price quote, please submit the form below.

Tucson Stargazing Adventures - CAC Events

Tucson Stargazing Adventures - CAC Events

Request form for CAC Stargazing (paid) events.

( * = Required Field )


Planets of the Month: October 2024

By Erich Karkoschka

Venus is setting at 7:30 pm. Its visibility increases as the sun is setting earlier. On the 5th, the moon is 4 degrees from Venus. On the 25th, Venus passes Antares 3 degrees north.

Saturn is prominent all evening. Its rings are 10 times narrower than their 43 arc-seconds extent. Views of its six brightest satellites are best at the current geometry.

Jupiter becomes the brightest evening star as its rising times moves from 10 pm to 8 pm. It is at its northernmost location in Taurus, transiting 80 degrees high.

Mars rises just before midnight. Its motion in Gemini can be seen as the triangle with Pollux and Castor constantly changes shape. With magnitude 0 and 9 arc-second size, it becomes a worthwhile object in telescopes.

Uranus and Neptune are visible in the evening sky between Saturn and Jupiter. Uranus is easy to locate 5 degrees south of the Pleiades.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) is magnitude 2 with a 5 degree tail. Starting on the 11th, it becomes visible and moves higher in the early evening sky, but fades rapidly towards the end of the month. The best compromise between altitude and magnitude may occur around the 16th, while the best dark sky without moonlight will start on the 19th. It moves from Virgo through Serpens into Ophiuchus at 7 degrees per day first, slowing to 2 degrees per day later. Its fast motion can be seen in a telescope within a minute.

The Draconid meteor shower may have a special high peak for half an hour around midnight of the 7th.

TIMPA Dark Site Reservations

CAC Dark Site Reservations

The TAAA Dark Sites are for members and their guests. Each site has days scheduled around the new moon that are hosted by a trained member, during which members are always welcome.

The TIMPA dark site in Tucson, AZ is open at times to members on the days we have a host in residence.

Reservations for the TIMPA site are required and should be submitted on this website any time within 90 days of the date being reserved. This site allows members of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association to register to observe on a pad or, if you are a certified user, reserve a telescope viewing.

Members can reserve:

    Click the areas below to check available dates for your desired type of Visit and complete your request.


    If you do NOT receive a response confirming your reservation within 24 hours from the CAC Reservations Manager, you may follow-up with an email to:


    IMPORTANT RESERVATION CANCELLATION/MODIFICATION PROCESS: Go here to MODIFY/CANCEL an existing reservation for a place to stay or equipment you have reserved. If you cannot keep your reservation due to weather or other issues, PLEASE CANCEL it so others may be able to use the site and we know who is on the site. Repeated failures to cancel may result in losing reservation privileges.

    If you are unsure about your reservation status, contact the CAC Reservations Manager directly at: cac-reservations[at]

    We encourage suggestions and comments about the reservation system to also go to the Reservations Manager.