By Erich Karkoschka

Mars is the only evening planet. During dusk it becomes visible in the west 45 degrees high and sets just before midnight. It passes the M35 cluster on the 26th within half a degree.

Our two giant gas planets continue to separate from their close passage last December, from 12 degrees to 15 degrees distance during the month. They rise just before the morning twilight in the southeast and get up to 20 degrees high once dawn gets bright.

On the morning of the 2nd, Jupiter will appear to have an extra satellite because 44 Capricorni sneaks exactly into the line of Galilean satellites with just the right magnitude.

No other planet will be easily visible during April. Specialists may find Uranus after dusk during the first week and Mercury and Venus during dusk at the end of the month. Both planets will be only separated by 1 degree on the 25th. By the 30th, Mercury will appear 5 degrees above Venus and getting to be easier to spot. Both planets will stay together will visible for most of May.

The Full Moon on the evening of the 26th will be during perigee which makes for a large bright Full Moon. Last Quarter Moon is April 4 New Moon is April 11, and First Quarter April 19.