TAAA Member Resources

Observing Sites


[Dennis McMacken to write short introductory paragraph.]

Chiricahua Astronomy Complex

[John Kalas to write short introductory paragraph.]

Special Interest Groups

Astronomy Fundamentals

Introductory level astronomy. All AFSIG Observing Programs are open to all TAAA members (regardless of experience) at no charge. Many offer certificates upon completion and are stepping stones to completion of the many Astronomical League Observe programs. The AFSIG also holds structured classes covering basic astronomy.  [update?]


Learn all the techniques for imaging the celestial heavens. Most ammateurs use digital means for imaging, but some members still use film. Contact Larry Phillips at astro-photo [at] tucsonastronomy.org for details about group meetings and imaging sessions. [update?]

Starry Messenger

This is one aspect of public outreach in the TAAA. TAAA members can develop skills for public outreach through SMSIG workshops designed around a particular astronomical subject. Major TAAA outreach events are coordinated by the Starry Messengers. Contact Terri Lappin at smsig [at] tucsonastronomy.org to learn of upcoming events. [update?]